21st Oakwood Cemetery Walk Videos (2015)
Part 1: Edward Amet and the Magniscope
The 21st Oakwood Cemetery Walk was fun and informative! A great time was had by all who attended! Glad I was able to capture it! Part 1 features the story of Edward Amet the inventor of the Magniscope. — Anthony Farella
Part 2: Marvin (Major) Spoor
Part 3: Abigail Beck sharing her grandson George Chandler's Story
Part 4: Board of Moving Picture Censorship
Part 5: Simon Peter Hopkins
Part 6: Perce Pearce
Part 7: Local Movies, Ray Bradbury’s Movie Experiences
The last part, 7, of the 21st Oakwood Cemetery Walk features the Story Tellers, Dan Drury and Dr. John Schwab telling stories of films made locally, Ray Bradbury's movie experiences growing up in Waukegan, and famous Waukegan Marriages —Anthony Farella